Why DJs need a music website
Why DJs need a music website? There is more to the Internet than just social media websites and apps. Creating and using your, own website is an important part of promotion for an Artist. Here are a few reasons why you need to have a website.
If you want to be taken seriously. Fans, media, and industry professionals all expect an artist to have a website. They want a one-stop destination that gives full coverage of your career. You need a website to be a credible artist.
Do DJs and electronic music producers, need a website?
Yes, a professional artist website is an important part of your musician toolkit. There are so many ways you can use a website to boost your presence as a DJ, so here are six good reasons why deejays and EDM artists must have a website.
- Firstly, Showcases professionalism.
A website is a place for you to keep contact information, basic information about your brand (name, genre, the latest releases), and much more. Essentially, it is a one-stop way for others to know who you are and if they are interested in contacting you. Having a website with all of this information on it shows others that you are serious about your music.
- Secondly, a website is like a resume for an Artist
You can keep a list of past shows as well as future ones. This along with your contact information turns your website into a virtual resume. This is an essential tool for connecting with other artists, DJs and professionals. Networking is a critical part of promotion, and a good virtual resume eases the process.
- Thirdly, it helps you stand out from other DJs
How many DJs in your friends list have Facebook Pages? Great, now how many have actual personal websites? Having your, own homepage lets you cut through the noise and get ahead by being able to offer an outlet for content that others simply don’t have the time, proficiency, or interest to create.
- Fourth, is a great way to book gigs.
Having all of your information in one place can help you get into shows much more easily. You can share your music, your style, and your contact information with promoters and club owners and others in a way that makes it easy for them to book you. It just takes sending one link (to your website) and opportunities will open up.
Additionally, You can share all of your social media.
This is another important tool for fans and viewers. By visiting your website, a user can access all of your social media accounts, making this an easy way to spread your social media. Having all of these links in one place helps your fans to connect with you and can lead to much stronger relationships.
- Then, interactive multimedia
Through a website, you can create links, post videos, music, and pictures, and much more. The ability to incorporate many kinds of media all in one place is significant for providing a way for viewers and fans to quickly and easily get a feel for your music.

Before social media became the norm, websites were called homepages because they are your online home. Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter may be hot right now, but no one knows what they’ll be like or where they’ll be in the five years.
Your personal website is the closest thing that you’ve got forever, as far as the internet is concerned, and you owe it to your music, and other content to give them a proper repository online that’ll last.
Do you have your, own website yet? If not, what’s keeping you from making one?
If you do not have one, we can provide you an affordable, functional, modern website specifically for DJ, EDM producer, musicians, music-related businesses, and other creative individuals.
We love three things – web design, art, and music. That’s why we love to design music websites.
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